She is the First Place Blue Ribbon in the Asheville Cotton Company’s Quilt Contest!

Sarah Faye, along with her family and friends, raised $1100 in “votes” for her quilt, which will all be given to Manna Food Bank.

Sarah Faye….we are so proud of you, for the beautiful work of your hands, and the beautiful love and help you give from your heart.  We congratulate you, but we are all the winners!

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Announcements for the Week of June 2, 2013

  • June 3 – 7PM. Monday night healing prayer service led by Avery Parker.
  • June 5 – Wednesday Night Prayer Service led by Pastor Ray at 6PM.
  • June 23 – Sunday Night.  Arthur and Barbara Jenkins will host a gathering in their home to watch a DVD recording of Adam Hamilton preaching when he was in our area last year.
  • June 30 – Fifth Sunday Lunch. You are invited to enjoy a covered dish lunch with our church family on the last Sunday this month, in the fellowship hall after the worship service.
  • Lectionary Scripture Readings for the week of June 2: I Kings 18:20-39, Psalm 96 ,Galatians 1:1-12, Luke 7:1-10


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Memorial Day Service

We thank all of our military, both past and present,

for the gift of their dedication and service to the peace

and prosperity of our country and world.

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Passed: Constitution and Bylaws

Update: The Constitution and Bylaws that are many months hard work by the congregation and elected committee were passed in a majority vote during the worship service on May 19, 2013. You may read the new Constitution in its entirety by clicking on the link on the right hand side of this page labeled “Constitution and Bylaws.”

After the fellowship meal and discussion on Sunday, the Constitution and Bylaws Committee went back into session in order to rework some of the areas about which you expressed a concern or a need for change.

The current working copy of the Constitution and Bylaws that the Committee is presenting to the church is on the page called “Proposed Constitution and Bylaws” on the right side of this website.

The official vote on the Constitution will be on May 19, 2013 during the worship service.  Please join us as we celebrate our new members, our lifelong members, and vote on this Constitution and Bylaws.



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Congratulations Patti!


Congratulations to Patti Cole, who graduated from college last weekend!  We are so proud of you Patti!

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Announcements for the week of May 5, 2013

  • May 5 – Noon, Sunday. Pot Luck Dinner and Discussion of the Constitution and Bylaws. The pastors and the Constitution and Bylaws Committee will have a discussion and  hand out copies of this new document to those who may not have a computer. Please stay for lunch and talk.
  • May 6 – 7PM. Monday night healing prayer service led by Avery Parker. 
  • May 8 – Wednesday Night Prayer Service led by Pastor Ray at 6PM. 
  • May 12 –  Sunday 10:15 AM. Meeting during the Sunday School time with members who are joining the church on May 19 as both associate and full members in the basement.   
  • May 19 – Pentecost Sunday.  This year we will celebrate Pentecost by renewing our commitment to Christ, the Church, and each other, as we welcome new members and affirm the life of our congregation through voting on the proposed Constitution and Bylaws.
  • Lectionary Scripture readings for the sixth week of Easter, May 5: Acts 16:9-15; Psalm 67;  Revelation 21:10, 22–22:5; John 14:23-29John 5:1-9
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The Skylanders will be in concert at Pleasant Grove Union Church, starting at 10:45 on Sunday, April 28, 2013.  Come and be a part of a wonderful time of music and worship!  A love offering will be taken for the Skylanders during the service.

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Announcements for the week of 4/21/2013

  • April 21 – Noon, Sunday. The Constitution  and Bylaws Committee is available to meet with anyone in the congregation  who wishes to speak with them after the worship service.
  • April 22 – 7PM. Monday night healing prayer service led by Avery Parker.
  • April 24 –  4PM Wednesday. Committee only. Constitution and Bylaws Committee Meeting
  • April 24 – Wednesday Night Prayer Service led by Pastor Ray at 6PM.       Pastor Ray says, “We will ‘travel’ to Smyrna and see what we could expect if we became members of this church as seen in Revelation 2.”
  • April 28 – Sunday. From Pastor Ray: Join us for a Gospel concert with The Skylanders.  Our  service will start at 10:45AM.  A love offering will be taken during the concert.
  • May 19 – Pentecost Sunday.  This year we will celebrate Pentecost by      renewing our commitment to Christ, the Church, and each other, as we      welcome new members and affirm the life of our congregation.
  • Lectionary Scripture readings for the  fourth week of Easter, April 21: Acts 9:36-43, Psalm 23, Revelation 7:9-17, John 10:22-30
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Maundy Thursday:  Thursday, March 28 7PM

This service will be a unique communion experience similar to the way Jesus and his disciples spent the last meal of his life.

Easter Sunrise:  Sunday morning: 7AM

Pastor Ray will be leading the early morning service here with First Born Baptist Church. There will be breakfast following the service. We will have a church family conversation between breakfast and Sunday School for those who would like to stay and talk with the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.

Sunday School: 10 o’clock

Easter Worship: 11 o’clock

Constitution and Bylaws Committee Please join us if you are able on Wednesday, 4:00 pm.





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Wednesday Evenings at Pleasant Grove

The  past few Wednesday evenings have been a time of hard work, love, and fellowship as our Constitution and Bylaws Committee has been meeting with the congregation to seek input on the work they are doing on the organizing documents.

Afterwards, it has been our joy to meeting with some of the teachers as we are about to begin our new children’s Sunday school lessons about Daniel.  We have also been blessed with music!  We have been listening to the great harmonies of Kim and Melia as they practice for Sunday worship service.  We are looking forward to hearing their new drummer (yay J!) as they offer God this beautiful praise music Kim has written during our worship service this Sunday.

We welcome everyone to come and be a part of the fellowship and love at Pleasant Grove Union Church as we are working through Lent and preparing for Easter and the joy of experiencing our living Lord.


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